Attention and interest makes the study in perfect completion.

Attention and interest makes the study in perfect completion. Because study always needs to be done in full attention and interest. With attention and interest study goes fulfilled successful.In fact only attention and interest ensures the study perfectly.
 Attention and interest are inter-connected and mutually dependent. They are like two sides of a coin. To pay attention to an object, a person or an activity is to have interest in them. Mc Dougall has very cogently said, "Interest is latent attention and attention is interest in action." It is the interest which determines one's attention. Interest is always hidden in the act of attention.

Attention and interest are closely related with each other:
Attention and interest are very deeply related with each other. They are absolutely dependent on one another to do any kind duties successfully. Here we can not but tell about study with attention and interest. It is a fact that there is close relation between attention and interest. Each of our interests may be regarded as a powerful stimulus to draw our attention to a particular thing, person or an activity. The motive which governs, our attention is still interest which can only be satisfied, if we attend to this object. At times there might be some indirect relation between attention and interest, but it cannot be denied entirely. For example, a child's interest in constructing models may lead to the learning of mathematical problems. Both attention and interest complete the absolute study which perfectly makes the result successful.

 Study in attention and interest enjoys it's attainable success:
 Study in attention and interest enjoys it's attainable success. As study is an industry, the person in deep study with attention and interest is embraced by successes in the life long way. The person who pays attention to the study mind-concentrated and interested  is always in the hope of doing somethings newly inventive and creative and this must work for social welfare.

Study in attention and interest improves the man studying man's genius power: The regular practice of studying with attention and interest makes a man more genius. It grows his extra ordinary merit. So by studying interested he engages himself in creating new things useful to the human civilization. It widens the studying man's thinking and imaging power. The universe of his imaging power goes far and wide. 
Attention and interest enriches study effectively and perfectly:
Attention and interest enriches study effectively and perfectly. It makes the study longer-lasting. It improves the catching power of the study.
Only attention can give the assurance of making success in life as a man hopes: It is attention which can  assure the great success to man if he holds up the great virtue of attention. Because an undisciplined person can never do his job steady and slow. So the door of success in his life does not remain opened. Consequently he does not able to attain success. So is all accepted that success comes of only attention and interest.


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