Overpopulation is not a curse if it is made human asset with good training.

Overpopulation occurs when a species' population exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. It can result from an increase in births (fertility rate), a decline in the mortality rate, an increase
in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. Overpopulation is not a curse if it is made human asset with good training. Once a great number of people in a country are without employment they were considered to be a heavy burden of hard tolerance. The large population then were not trained and so they wee not engaged in self-employed. Because they had no self-confidence in doing self-working duties with having no training. Over population can be made asking asset by the proper application of proper training. Only the proper application of training system of the large number of people can properly be made human resources.

 How we can define overpopulation:

  Overpopulation definition, to fill with an excessive number of people, straining available resources and facilities: Expanding industry has overpopulated the ... Definition of overpopulation. : the condition of having a population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration, an impaired quality of life, or a population crash.
Overpopulation  refers to the large number of people lie in an area or a land. It is a great burden of  a nation because it normally causes a great pressure to the nation. Consequently apparently it is considered to be a great problem in the country. So not to consider overpopulation to be a burden to the nation it should immediately be made the human resource properly trained.

Overpopulation naturally causes different kinds of problems:
Overpopulation is an undesirable condition where the number of existing human population exceeds the carrying capacity of Earth. Overpopulation is caused by number of factors. Reduced mortality rate, better medical facilities, depletion of precious resources are few of the causes which results in ...
Overpopulation is the state whereby the human population rises to an extent exceeding the carrying capacity of the ecological setting. In an overpopulated environment, the numbers of people might be more than the available essential materials for survival such as transport, water, shelter, food or social amenities.
How the overpopulation can be turned the human assets: The overpopulation can be turned  the human resource by applying the most updated modern scientific and technological positive policy. The policy must be followed most properly in every step. The proper application of training system is the best way to make the over-burden people the most asking human resource. Overpopulation can be more useful by making it technically educated and differently trained.


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